An Award for the Center for Home Movies
posted July 28, 2017
The Center for Home Movies has received a Society of American Archivists 2017 annual award for increasing public awareness of films that many individuals make, but until recently few institutions made a project of collecting. The award recognizes archiving of "compilation, transcription, exhibition, or public presentation of archives or manuscript materials for educational, instructional, or other public purpose.”

Home Movie Day: in Your Town, or Others
posted October 10, 2016
If your city has Home Movie Day 2016 events, they are likely to be taking place in the next week or two. If your town does not celebrate Home Movie Day, the Center for Home Movies can show you how to change that.

African American Home Movies: Are They Out There? Can You Help Locate Them?
posted December 2, 2014
Jasmyn R. Castro, a moving-image archivist in training, is testing the notion that African American home movies are rare because they have rarely been made.