Have Film, Need to Preserve It?
posted March 10, 2012
You find a box of reels of film in your shed. Perhaps Grandad left it there, or Granma when his credits rolled. What do you do? First up, you can go to resources like this: It’s the Washington State Film Preservation Manual of Low-Cost & No-Cost Suggestions to Care for Your Film. No-Cost is good.

Interviews: Become an Archivist? Study in Amsterdam?
posted March 8, 2012
What it takes to work in moving image archiving, and why go to Amsterdam to study it.

Interviews: Some Favorite Moving Image Collections
posted March 7, 2012
Melissa Dollman, audiovisual archivist, Schlesinger Library, Harvard University, and Hannah Palin, moving image specialist at the University of Washington Libraries, describe some of their favorite collections.

Moving Image Archiving as Performance Art
posted March 6, 2012
Caylin Smith asks: What are the implications for moving image archivists – restorers and presenters of early films, for example – of the old saw, "a work of art can never be produced the same way twice?"

More interviews: archiving solutions – for media art, too
posted March 5, 2012
More interviews: archiving solutions – for the films of the past, and for new works of "media art," too.
New conference, workshop listings
posted March 4, 2012
Several new events are listed on our “workplace” page.
Upcoming Workshops, Conferences, etc.
posted March 4, 2012
Symposium on Long-Term Archiving Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg – Fernsehzentrum Berlin Berlin March 13 2012 A day-long symposium on the benefits for long-term storage of analog media over digital storage systems. Lectures scheduled are: – The Ilford Micrographic film (Dr. Jean-Noel Gex, Ilford, Marly / Switzerland) – The laser film exposure technologies of the Fraunhofer Institute for

More Interviews with Moving Image Archivists
posted March 2, 2012
Some more interviews with moving image archivists. If you know anyone who would like to become one, this series of clips might well help. In today’s selection, Hannah Palin, a film archives specialist at the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections, suggests how a beginner moving image archivist might find work in the field. And

Interviews with Moving Image Archivists
posted February 29, 2012
Here are two more of a series of interviews with moving image archivists and people working in related fields that we’ll be posting over the next couple of weeks. A while ago, we asked some folks in the moving image archiving world what they do in their jobs, how they got involved in the field,

Interviews with Moving Image Archivists
posted February 28, 2012
A while ago, we at Moving Image Archive News interviewed some folks in the world of moving image archiving, preservation, and restoration about what they do in their jobs, how they got involved in the field, and the like. Over the next few weeks, you can see what they said, here on the site. If