DigCCurr Professional Institute
Curation Practices for the Digital Object Lifecycle
May 15-20, 2011 & January 4-6, 2012
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Institute consists of one five-day session in May 2011 and a two-day follow-up session and a day-long symposium in January 2012. Each day of the summer session will include lectures, discussion and hands-on “lab” components. A course pack and a private, online discussion space will be provided to supplement learning and application of the material.
The institute is designed to foster skills, knowledge, and community-building among professionals responsible for the curation of digital materials. Institute Instructors: Cal Lee, Richard Marciano, Helen Tibbo (UNC-Chapel Hill); Nancy McGovern, U Michigan; Seamus Ross, U Toronto; Manfred Thaller, U Cologne; Carolyn Hank, McGill U.
Registration: $750 (after April 15, 2011: $800). For official announcement and information about accommodation and other matters, including a detailed listing of program components: http://ils.unc.edu/digccurr/institute.html
Contacts: Kaitlin Costello (kaitcost@email.unc.edu), institute questions; Wakefield Harper (wharper@email.unc.edu), payment or registration questions.
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