Wunderkino 2013: Visions of Travel and Mobility
posted June 14, 2013
It's almost time to go to Bucksport, Maine, for the annual "Wunderkino," a much-admired, multi-disciplinary gathering of devotees of moving-image history, theory, and preservation.

Preserving the Interactive Telecommunications Program
posted October 20, 2012
Matthew Epler and Kate Watson were among presenters at Archiving the Arts: A symposium, a recent day-long event organized by Independent Media Arts Preservation, a New York-based service, education, and advocacy nonprofit organization that assists caretakers of collections of non-commercial electronic media. (See, an interview with IMAP director Jeff Martin.) Here is Epler and Watson’s

AMIA Conference Registration is Open
posted September 25, 2012
Registration is now open for the annual conference of the Association of Moving Image Archivists, the largest professional organization in the field. The convention offers sessions and workshops on varied topics, as well as an opportunity to network with colleagues and other interested parties including vendors of hardware and software associated with moving-image conservation, restoration,

Symposium: Archiving the Arts – addressing preservation in the creative process
posted September 24, 2012
Attend a symposium on preventive preservation, the creative process, and where the two concepts intersect. In New York City.
Final EUscreen Conference
posted June 20, 2012
Television Heritage and the Web 13-14 September 2012 ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary EUscreen, the best-practice network for Europe’s television heritage, has announced its third and final international conference on Television Heritage and the Web. The programme consists of two workshops, a plenary session with keynotes, and case studies. Attendance is free but online registration is
Upcoming Workshops, Conferences, etc.
posted March 4, 2012
Symposium on Long-Term Archiving Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg – Fernsehzentrum Berlin Berlin March 13 2012 A day-long symposium on the benefits for long-term storage of analog media over digital storage systems. Lectures scheduled are: – The Ilford Micrographic film (Dr. Jean-Noel Gex, Ilford, Marly / Switzerland) – The laser film exposure technologies of the Fraunhofer Institute for
Symposium: Digital Film Restoration within Archives
posted August 31, 2011
September 21-23 2011 Austrian Film Gallery, Krems, Austria In cooperation with Filmarchiv Austria and the Austrian Film Museum, Austrian Film Gallery, Krems, is holding a symposium that offers panels and discussions on various subjects, from restoration ethics to documentation, as well as on practical challenges of new digital technologies. Participating archives & institutions include George
DAS 2011 – AMIA’s Digital Asset Symposium
posted August 28, 2011
The Lifecycle of the Digital Audiovisual Asset Digital Asset Management in the Real World September 23, 2011 Los Angeles, CA Registration is now available for DAS 2011 – Digital Asset Symposium, offered by the Association of Moving Image Archivists, the world’s largest association of moving image archivists. The gathering aims to provide in-depth information on
9/11 TV News Archive: Learning from Recorded Memory
posted August 16, 2011
Learning from Recorded Memory mini-conference Wednesday, August 24 2011, 4-6pm Place: New York University, Tisch School of the Arts, 721 Broadway, 6th Floor, Michelson Theater, New York Internet Archive and NYU’s Moving Image Archiving and Preservation Program are inviting scholars, journalists. and students to a mini-conference to introduce the 9/11 TV News Archive. In an
Describing Moving Images
posted August 15, 2011
September 27 2011 Simmons University, Boston, USA Northeast Historic Film is offering a full-day workshop titled “Describing Moving Images” for managers and staff members of special collections, historical societies, and archives, as well as “lone arrangers” and LIS students. The event, to be held at Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences Tech Lab,